

句子魔| 搞笑句子



The New Year, best wishes to you。


On this special day, sincere wish you a beautiful Christmas dreams come true!


Warmest wishes for Christmas and a happy, wish all the best in the New Year!


Only bells, let my blessing into flying angel, fly to your window, merry Christmas!


Endless love and blessing for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me。


Rose is my passion, candy is my taste, stars are my eyes, the moonlight is my soul, expecting you, merry Christmas!


These days there has been a problem that puzzle me: you clearly is not hen, why everyone want to wish you a happy "egg"?


Do you know where Santa Claus, he stole my heart, whether to you? If so, you must save carefully ah, that's true。


Wishing you a year every day happy, happy hour all the time, content points fascinating, seconds seconds seconds of happiness。


Kiss your cheek, let the blessings of love into every piece glittering and translucent snowflake。 Into your heart。 Dear wish you a merry Christmas!


Every day and night of acacia, miss, distant lover, Christmas Eve, Christmas you although lonely, but so beautiful! Because of I sincerely blessing……


Countless Christmas blessings, that friendship, thick accumulated happy memory, the affection of the world, the warmth of heaven, finally brought us all。


In this beautiful day, is not the most beautiful words, is not sentimental words, no elegant gift, there are only friends deeply wishes, merry Christmas!


I had a dream last night, Santa Claus gave me gifts is a Christmas evening meal vouchers, two do you want to and I spend our first Christmas together?


Snow, love is love is a flower, and become the snow drift your, jingle bells, the deer run, bring my heart to you, Christmas Eve, carnival night have you have I just wonderful!


Do you know where Santa Claus? He stole my heart, isn't he give you? If it is, then, I don't want to, but, you can take good save, that's my heart!


At best, up to health, happiness, wealth at most, up to good luck, blessing, at most for you, Christmas has come, family reunion, I wish a happy holiday, family happiness!


I will love to develop a migratory birds, chasing the refreshment with you every day。 By passing on the blue sky white clouds I tell you: "Christmas come back, my magic!"


Music is my uneasiness, bell is my greetings, singing is my blessing, snowflake is my card, wine is my kiss, the wind is my embrace, happiness is my gift! Merry Christmas!


Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's day, a year, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival。 At the end of the end of the year, New Year wish you: happy peace health happiness!


I love you, I only in such a silent way。 When I touched the ice-cold keyboard, I stare at you, distant memory in my tears dripped, only quiet wish you a merry Christmas!


Christmas, Christmas joy, happy heart chung, bless your hands, all text is a gift, all messages are happy! Happy gift pile, a river。 Merry Christmas, Santa Claus is talking!


There is no snow, still romantic。 Even if the cold winter, feel warm。 , the decorating。 Christmas tree, gifts, however。 Bell, auspicious romance。 Bless music, happiness forever!


Christmas is coming, the prepared message, is nothing more than the word "happiness"。 But you know, I care for you, is not normal。 Not only I wish you a merry Christmas! I want you happy every day!


Christmas was coming, and I want to make a wish for you。 But I didn't find it, but could not find god, I only on this message, send it to you, wish you a merry Christmas and good life!


Send you a Christmas tree, making material is my heart, the production process expressed my perseverance, tree is full of infatuation, I only hope on Christmas day bring you happy all day long!


Although not when faced with what you said, but it can also express my sincere blessings to you。 Merry Christmas! No matter what things will support you。 Please believe me, my friend is a lifetime thing。


I'm wishing on a Christmas tree in silence, I hope, you look at the messages every night dream sweet, every morning in high spirits, work the smooth, every day a happy life every day, merry Christmas full!


Twinkle twinkle little star, gift Christmas tree, with auspicious happy house full irrigation, laughter meet Santa and blessing words I to send, happiness around you today, family fortunes, merry Christmas!


Again to Christmas, I Santa Claus for you happiness, happy, lucky to have a Christmas gift, remember to receive! Drop down from the chimney on Christmas Eve in red old man don't be surprised, is a gift!


There used to be hidden in my heart, I have not said to you, but god treat me not thin, and gave me this opportunity, I want to deep feeling ground say to you: merry Christmas! After Christmas to be happy!


Have such a strange phenomenon, according to estimates ninety-nine percent of people receiving this message will not hesitate to open, including you tempted because I message content is: merry Christmas!


Christmas is coming, tired and don't try to be brave, a break! Bored don't frowsty, fun! Tired, don't go to bed early! Don't take the, share! Want to don't say, contact! Life is short, want to treat yourself!


Send you a Christmas tree hung with gifts, on top of the largest and most bright the star is my heart, the following is my infatuation, hang manufacturing material is one that I am not a change of heart: merry Christmas!


Christmas five ban: ban pretend I am busy with work ignore, banned rich forget me, to ban the difficult don't help me, forbidden to eat chocolate don't call me, ban time don't want to me! Hope earnestly implement!


Peace, peace, night and night tonight winter wind, spring warm tomorrow, outdoor ice and snow, indoor laughter, gifts, soul。but about beats。 Tonight is Christmas Eve, I wish you all the best, happy every day。 Merry Christmas!


Send you a Christmas tree, Christmas does not block。 Send you a Christmas hammer, sweet and romantic to follow。 Send you a pair of Christmas stockings, send the money arrives。 The Christmas gift, open thoughts, happiness with you!


Bells ringing and busy Christmas greeting, I wish you go in peace, cause red light, love and honey such as sugar, healthy body stronger, the family harmony and good fortune, happiness life than older。 Wish merry Christmas!


A kind of happiness is everlasting, have a kind of have to call。 There is a distant call the ends of the earth, there is a yearning called together day by day。 There is a feeling called it's good to have you: Christmas, I wish a happy holiday!


Santa Claus yesterday said to me: will send you a bag of peace happiness health and happiness, the premise is not smelly socks。 Whether or not you are quick to take off dirty socks smell smells, hurry up! Wishing you peace and instant happiness, health and happiness。


The distance of fireworks, in the heart of the plot, regardless of the wind, listening to quiet night harmony, waved goodbye to the winter solstice, Christmas night waiting for you to meet! Fireworks to express Christmas! I wish you to celebrate Christmas Eve smile for Christmas!



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