

句子魔| 搞笑句子

圣诞节快乐英文 0


May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you。 Wish you well。


Because there is love, life becomes happy。 Because of you, this Christmas be happy。


A brilliant and happy Christmas season, all good wishes! I wish all the best!


Christmas greeting to my warm greetings, wish you have a happy sweet New Year。


Until life stop, every heartbeat miss you again。 Heart no longer beating! Love you merry Christmas!


Christmas, flipped the socks, inside out, hanging in the bed and the whole world is your gift。


Friend, usually too tired by the light of the Christmas gave you good fortune, happiness, blessing, peace each New Year!


In the seasonof joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts。 May this Christmas outshine all the rest。


I had was to reduce the work, will be on Christmas night to my care of sock greeting you: merry Christmas!


Happy Christmas! Feel happy mood! Business is thriving! Good luck by my blessing cluster。 Happy winter!


Christmas Eve night, baby I'm going to the front of you now with Santa Claus, his eyes closed count to three。


With the advent of Christmas, the parents say: peace forever。 Let this auspicious melody, I wish you a lifetime!


On Christmas Eve I wish: peace be to you forever! May the happiness and accompanied by a lifetime! May your gifts piled up!


Air of twinkling dots silver around the colorful dream, bless you, hands pressed together make a wish, is in sight。


There is a love, there is a kind of mood can't forget, that is the teacher's love and affection。 I wish a happy Christmas New Year's day!


May the bright festive Christmas candle warm the days all the year day and night, wish you a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year!


In this stylish good day, I have myriad blessings and don't speak, I only want to say to you is very old-fashioned four word: merry Christmas!


On the Christmas tree falling snow, bring you rich next year; To sway, gift on the Christmas tree reflects your brilliant smiling face。


Apply colours to a drawing a mood。 Then in the ripple is a holy word - love。 Merry Christmas, Christmas halo printed on a red cloth。


My heart, I downloaded my thoughts to save it as always, I open my cell phone to give you best wishes: merry Christmas!


In this beautiful days, I don't want to say words, just want to say one of the most common: merry Christmas! You will always in my heart!


Christmas is a foreign fairy elder brother's birthday, and some of China's ordinary people have to coincided with a day。 Wish you a merry Christmas。


Collect in my heart every blessing, each kind of desire, depicted in my heart every detail, every hope, send to your deep concern。


Your attention, give me endless confidence and courage! You are my teacher forever! Would like to wish you a merry Christmas! Health and happiness!


Yesterday I had a dream, dream of you fell into smelly cesspit, climb you should say: Christmas luck is good, even the cesspit delicious!


Christmas night think of you, send a message greeting, you can't remember it doesn't matter, I as long as you are happy and satisfactory, is I most agreeable。


Send you a Christmas tree, the root is a healthy body, the trunk is a happy family, the branch is in almost every cause, the leaves is a happy love。


The years went by, the truth in the; Thyme, isolation but constantly; Night long, sparkling stars; Sincerely pray for the Christmas Eve, about company。


Happy memories, benefit for all people drink three cups; On a good profit, the attraction of the maple leaf star cui。 Calm, no worry, joy peace forever。


The most let a person feel happy thing is that when you are thinking of someone and someone is thinking about you, just want to say to you: merry Christmas, I miss you。


The white snow fluttering, lu ling knock, sweet Christmas Eve went to a wonderful happy Christmas! Boss, hard work for a year idle idle lele!


The same passion without fire, sing praises to you; Also need not fragrant flowers, praise for you。 Only in this silent night, say to you? Wish you peace!


Snowflakes fluttering, the heart jump, Christmas bell, love your person in giggle; Knock, bell DengEr yao yao, Christmas candle, you guy in silly。


Before Christmas are grey, and this year with you, everything is different, my world suddenly seem bright colorful, I sincerely thank you。


Teachers, preaching, knowledge and to reassure; Preaching, very good; Fine, performance is extensive; Light, and to also! Teacher, I wish you a merry Christmas and filled the whole country!


The radius in good faith, with respect to central, to send you a round greeting to you, is willing to love you more love you of person, the person you love more understand you! Merry Christmas!


Send you a Christmas tree, hung above the gift, is it a blessing to be healthy and happy, opened the box to see LOVE, and my heart, you're going to take to protect! Merry Christmas!


Each snowflakes float, each is burning fireworks, every second time flow, each missing transmission, represents I want to send you a blessing, merry Christmas!


Jingle bells ding dang, good luck a laundry list of Santa Claus to send peace, happy to walk, no gift and dinner, but I care your heart and the most sincere wishes: happy New Year!


Even and you spend, and even the way, my text messages as scheduled to fly to your side。 On Christmas Eve, I wish you: healthy peace, merry Christmas happiness!


This text the Santa Claus will be responsible for the creation, the happiness is responsible for the writing, the happiness is responsible for the sending, the luck is responsible for the transfer, I'm in charge of the investment, sent to your mobile phone in advance, peace be to you on Christmas Eve, Christmas is happy!



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