

句子魔| 优美句子



I love you, because you are more like me than I am.


Black, black, is the color of my wife's hair.


The pride of the people to their own kind of sorrow and regret.


Only loneliness is really belong to one's own.


I give you my heart, you put it crumb throw back.


When I forgot you, I forgot myself.


Up! Don't let yourself degenerate into a abject reptile.


To punish the wicked is God's business. We should learn to forgive.


Nothing can stop the burning passion, including death.


Heaven is not my home, tears are broken, I want to return to the world.


Time will let the human fate, will also bring more happiness than sweet sorrow.


I let you take me the most willing to spoil to death, as long as you think.


I can forgive those who hurt me, and the people who hurt you? How can I forgive!


Who can imagine in the quiet land sleepers would have not sleep peacefully.


The whole world has become a terrible Memorial, everywhere to remind me that she was there, and I have lost her!


The passing of time brings to him a sweeter contemplation of fate and a sweeter than usual joy.


I give my heart to him, but he took it to death, then I put my broken heart throw back to me.


Good things lost in a barren, when overgrown, overshadowed their neglected growth.


The whole world has become an amazing collection of souvenirs, everywhere to remind me that she was there, and I have lost her!


He will never know I love him, I love him not because he is handsome, but because he is more like me than I am.


You are so strong, you let the time stop in this, right now! May you and I be like this wilderness, will never change!


He is not as a pleasure, not as much more interesting to me than I am myself, but as I am.


I believe that there is a soul after death, because it is I who killed you, so you come to me, so that we can be together again.


If you are not in, no matter how good the world, it is just a desert in my eyes. I like a wandering souls.


You say it islike when a person struggling in the water, but also almost to the shore when he can take a rest for a while! I want to go ashore, and then rest.


I love him not because of who he is, but because of who I am when I am with him. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.


You know I won't forget you as long as I live! When you are at rest, but I have to languish in the torments of hell. That was not enough for your infernal selfishness experience to meet?


I said his heaven only half of the activity, he said I am too noisy, like a drunkard. I said, "I'll be sleepy when I arrive in his paradise.". He said, "my heaven has choked him.".


I love the land on his feet, the air above his head,every thing he touches, every word he said, I love all his looks, every action, and his whole person, his whole.


I really want to reside in the glorious world, never worry, not to look at it in a mist of tears, also not to pain in the mood to pursue it, but the real and it together, in the midst of it.


You have a reason with a proud heart empty go to bed. The pride of people asking for it, however, if you own mind narrow feel uneasy, then you must ask for forgiveness.


The biggest purpose of my life is him. Even if all else dies, as long as he remains, I will be able to continue to live. And if everything else is left behind, only he is destroyed, then I don't want the world.


Mild and generous people but than arbitrary, arrogant selfish slightly fair a bale, wait for all sorts of situations make two people feel to the interests of the party and not the other thought is mainly concerned with the things, happiness is the end of the.


I don't want you to suffer much more than I do, Heath Cliff. I only wish we never separate: if I have a word to you the next sad, think I in the ground also feel the same sad, for my own sake, forgive me!


Below the gentle sky, linger in the three pieces of tombstone! Looking at the moths in Shi Nancong and blue bell flower swooping, listened to the soft wind blows in the grass, I wonder who can imagine that in the calm of the land below the rest unexpectedly has not quiet sleep.


He ismy life biggest belief, if you still exist in this world, so no matter what becomes, for me to have meaning, if you not, regardless of what in the world is beautiful, to me are a barren, I am a ghosts.


My love for Linton like -- like leaves in the woods: I know exactly how, when winter changes the trees, time will change in the leaves. I like to love forever under Heathcliff's constant rock. Although it seems that it gives you happiness is not much, but it is a necessity.



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1,兰生谷是未知的,客人物种东轩是我的香水。 2,不能让荆棘变成蓝色,外面的路要冷眼睛。路上还有谣言,我知道佛法很长。 3,山谷是突出的,秋天是花。随着我的共存,空山想要回归。 4


1,忘记谁先忘了,国家就是国家。我不想玩,我很震惊。 2,我是一名船夫,你是一名乘客。听听你说的话,人的状况很酷。你说,自我满足。君就像一阵水,但我是一朵花。 3,死亡与死亡,而自成说

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