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描写黄山的诗句古诗 0

1, the new purple gas on the terrace, the old Huangshan in the cloud. - Zheng Gu "Return"

2, Wanli Huangshan North, Yuanling Bailuzhong. - Du Fu "dongfang"

3, chicken sings Huangshan, 暝 y y lake. - Li Bai "Su yhu"

4, white rain reflecting the cold mountain, Sensen like silver bamboo. - Li Bai "Su yhu"

5, Yun Chuan Huang Shanji, ice Kai Su Han 酢 - Zhang Wei "Wangchun Dongjiao"

6, Liu Huangshan fire, meteorite Suo Leiming. - Guanxiu "send to Japan"

7, Qu Jiangming, the net gorge, the boat to Mingtan. - Yuan Zhen "Nanchang Beach"

8, Qiu Pu night 愁, Huangshan can be white. - Li Bai "Qiupu Song seventeen"

9, 畲馀 麦 Mai Huangshan belly, day back residual white water 湄. - Yuan Zhen "Nanchang Beach"

10, and the wind is returning to the guests, the sunset is diligent and early. - Zhou He "send Li Yidong return"

11, do not road green and green Liufa, Qianxi desert peanuts. - Zhou He "send Li Yidong return"

12, the year of gray law moves, Yang Qi open. - Su F "People's Day and Spring Festival Garden"

13, the fall of the Royal Court wreckage, Huangshan drizzle wet back to Xuan. - Guo Zhen "send Liu School Book"

14, the most spiritual day in the day, climbed to the original. - Su F "People's Day and Spring Festival Garden"

15, Taoist Huangshan hidden, light people regain wealth. - Huangfu doctor "Judges Taoist Huang Shanyin"

16, Huangshan Ji high, the table looks at Beijing. - Su F "People's Day and the Spring Festival Garden Banquet"

17, the smoke is long and thin, and the stream is flowing. - Su F "People's Day and Spring Festival Garden"

18, Taishan will be compared to the East China Sea only cup. - Huangfu doctor "Judges Taoist Huang Shanyin"

19, Huangshan remote Qin tree, the forbidden slant through the city. - Wen Tingjun "send Li Yidong return"

20, arranging the virtual bird, cross the water and Changhong. - Yu Shinan "Feng and Youshan after the rain should be ordered"

21, Zi Yan Han Shu Li, Huangshan extremely looking through. - Xu Jingzong "Feng and September 9th system"

22, Sucheng Neighboring Court, Huangshan Guigui Palace. - Yu Shinan "Feng and Youshan after the rain should be ordered"

23, Huangshan one night snow, more water geese. - Zhang Zhongsu "Miscellaneous Songs and Palace Music"

24, Huangshan to the evening Ying Xuan Cui, the water contains spring and turbulence. ——Wu Qiao's "Send Zhang Xueshi"

25, Qishu stays in the cold, and Shenchi is in the evening. - Zhang Zhongsu, "Miscellaneous Songs, Gong Zhongle"

26, drinking feathers, and the middle leaves are withered. - Xu Jingzong "Feng and September 9th system"

27, Shanquan Mingshi, the earth slamming rock wind. - Yu Shinan "Feng and Youshan after the rain should be ordered"

28, rain break Lianfeng Cui, smoke opened wild. - 虞世南 "Beihe Youshan should be ordered after the rain"

29, drag the Japanese Zhu flag, the cloud cloud barrier open. - Lu Zhaolin"Gift Xu Zuoyi from the driving Wannian Palace"

30, Feng Feng cold column Fu Fu, quietly think that Yang Yangxiu is not as good. - Shidao Yun "Wangshan Mountain Peaks"

31, Chaoshen Wucheng Liu, Xi Ban Bai Liang Cup. - Lu Zhaolin "Gift Xu Zuoyi from the driving Wannian Palace"

32, Huangshan Wenfeng flute, Qing Yu Shilong media. - Lu Zhaolin "Gift Xu Zuoyi from the driving Wannian Palace"

33, Han Guang as the moon, Qin Hao heard like lightning. - Lu Zhaolin "Gift Xu Zuoyi from the driving Wannian Palace"

34, the central shift to Beidou, left to go to South Taiwan. - Lu Zhaolin "Gift Xu Zuoyi from the driving of the Wannian Palace"

35, the fog opened the tiger leopard Wenzi out, the loose hidden dragon snake strange. - Zhang Guanqing "You Huangshan"

36, desire Huangshan Road, no reason to see. ——Li Wei’s “Send Five Uncles to Beijing and Send Three”

37, Zihan Qinlou, Huangshanlu Pavilion. - Wu Pingyi "The banquet of the Princess of Anle's new house should be made"

38, the grass turns yellow hills, the flowers fly clear and turbulent. - Lu Zhaolin "The evening crossing the bridge to send a good tour of Beijing"

39, go to Lingyang East, line Fanggui. - Li Bai "Send Wen Shishi to Huangshan Baigefeng old residence"

40, Huangshan four thousand 仞

41, return to Baie Ling, thirsty to drink Dansha well. ——Li Bai, “Send Wen Shishi to Huangshan Baigefeng Old Residence”

42, Caixiu remarks Wuyue, climbing for thousands of years. - Li Bai "Send Wen Shishi to Huangshan Baigefeng old residence"

43, Danya clip stone column, gilt hibiscus. - Li Bai "Send Wen Shishi to Huangshan Baigefeng old residence"

44, snow to the top of the mountain, the ice to open black water. - Zhang Zirong "Chang'an early spring (one for Meng Haoran poem)"

45, I stayed in Huangshan Bixi month, but listened to the loose piano. - Li Bai "Night Park Huangshan, Wen Yin 14 Wu Hao"

46, Yaotai half into the Huangshan Road, Yuxi Lin Xuan Bajin. - Lu Zang used "Feng and Li Chun Yu Yuan Ying Chun Ying system"

47, Long Jing dare not lying in the water, screaming when the sound of the sound. - Li Bai, "Night Park Huangshan, Wen Yin 14 Wusong"

48, Huayuan Huangshan Embroidery Garden, sketch Xuanzang Jinweichuan. - Xue Yu "Feng and the Holy System, the Spring Festival is fortunate to see the Spring Palace"

49, Lishui from Qin Qinqu, Huangshan old around the Han Palace oblique. ——Wang Wei, “The Fenghe sacred system from the Penglai to the Xingqingge Road in the spring rain in the spring and the work of the system”

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