

句子魔| 句子大全


When you trust a person without reservation, there will only be two results in the end, either the person in life, or a lesson in life.


Maybe God wants you to meet a lot of wrong people before meeting the right one, so when this happens, you should be grateful.


I never want to be single, but I have a hunch that we will marry later. What we want to marry is love rather than time. I'm still waiting to ignore the only soul in the world.


I would rather I did not meet you, rather we are still strangers, rather you still want to be the same as before, so I don't have to suffer, so I don't have to be wronged again!


Don't be like this cigarette, it's boring to light you, and stamp out you after smoking. Remember, you have to be like drugs, let people live and die for you.


Don't let those who are really good to you disappear from your life. No matter love or friendship, if you don't manage, you will be strangers.


Why take dignity to retain a changed heart, friendship or love. I will never be desperate to love a person, even if it is you.


You will not meet the second me, you have to understand, some people once lost will not come back, like, no one will always stand in the same place waiting for who.


Perhaps too heavy feelings of people, life will not be easy. Because care too much, over trust, dependence, nostalgia, minutes of your abuse will be irreparable.


Hand in hand is just a romance, after love, the wind is light; when the petals in the hand dry after rain, is it not lonely to hold hands and not to break up easily.


We have loved, but later you only love yourself, the original belongs to your things, you do not cherish, sooner or later, it will become someone else's.


Some things, you really do not see, see, heartache. Some people, you really don't understand, understand, hurt. Everything is too serious, bitter heart, tired themselves.


Marriage does not mean happiness, nor does divorce mean misfortune. Even in a family with children, it is better for children to be calm and incomplete than burst integrity.


In daily life, what can be done by heaven can also be done by diligence; what cannot be done by genius can also be done by diligence.


Eat when you are hungry. No one will give you bread. Sleepy sleep, no one will accompany you to stay up late. When you are tired, you will cry. No one will give you a hug.


Xiaoxiao autumn rain, long road, sad broken people's intestines. Point radiation, virtual network, remote thinking thousands of miles. This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart.


Infatuation is a swamp, deeper and deeper, amorous is a bitter sea, looking back is shore, merciless, the most hurtful, the soul of the devil, heartless dream, see through the world.


Farewell oath, lonely people walk tea cool, is the familiar goodbye, but also quiet familiar, how many strange, from no chance, loss, hesitation.


We may as well let the lost be lost, because it can make us less melancholy; we may as well be less satisfied with what we get, because it can make us more sober.


There are too many sorrows to release, and some pains are connected to my heart. If I don't release myself, I will feel hopeless in life, and the pain is accompanied by sadness.


There is no need to worry, if it is destined to happen, it will happen, at the right time, with the right person, for the most appropriate reason!


There are so many things we can't do in this world, the past we can't go back to, the future we can't predict, and the people we can't see again.


There are always some things, let you inadvertently see some people. Don't think how important you are in other people's world, maybe it's just a casual friend.


To go, I look back at my family, eyes are full of tears that have not fallen down, how I do not give up the family members, but have to embark on the road of life.


What life has done to us, dare not try again, dare not love hard, dare not explore again, you think that is mature, I think that is dead.


You don't understand my sadness and loss, and I don't want you to know that I twist it into a dream in the middle of the night, so that this lonely quietly stay in the bottom of my heart.


Feelings of this chess, there is no absolute failure, only despair to give up. As long as you don't give up, everyone will live a happy life, and so will you.


Like a person who can not get, like too long, sure really can not get, like will become a blessing. I didn't even think of it myself.


This cup I salute you, respect you carelessly into my life, and quietly destroyed my life, dry this cup of wine, we do not mention love.


When no one believes you can, any effort you make will add points to yourself. Now the effort is to see all the beautiful scenery in the future.


I am still a lonely life, those who said that forever, help each other in the same boat, but a dream of flowers, already withered can not find a trace.


Hug yourself when you are tired and coax yourself when you cry. You can't have a person around you all the time. You should learn to love yourself.


The more sensible you are, the more pain the world will let you bear that is not in line with your age; the more patient you are, the more things the world will give you.


Helpless love, the confession of breaking up, goodbye to the tears of life, lonely missing, hidden in the sea of human feelings, breaking up to understand, just look back calmly.


I salute the past a cup of wine, the first blind love dog, then to the past a glass of wine, may have years to go back, finally to me a glass of wine, and then love scum, I am a dog.


I take all the sad walk, the most sad is that you are not in the end. I go through all the despair, the most desperate is that you are still at the beginning.


After time, love is weak, and the people who love each other are scattered. Some people are always engraved in life, even if they forget his voice, forget.


Later, I learned that people who don't love themselves are born across mountains and seas, and spare no effort to pull in each other. It's useless. It's better to look at them from afar and forget them.


It was only later that I learned that people who didn't love themselves were born across mountains and seas. It was futile to spare no effort to pull in each other. It's better to gaze and forget from afar.


I thought you would be moved by enthusiasm and initiative. I thought you would be heartbroken if I was worried about my gains and losses. In fact, there was no such thing as taking the initiative again and again.


To forgive others is to forgive yourself. Sometimes, your intolerance may not be felt by others, but you throw yourself into the hell of your mind.


Time is a one-way street. People who have been hurt or have cold hearts are like nails driven into trees. Nails can be pulled out, but scars can never be erased.


Children all know how to do things to bear the consequences of the truth, cheating and concealment, even if not detected, will still make the feelings of irreparable cracks.


Pain is known only when we endure it; when we do something wrong, we regret it only after we have done it; when we cry, we feel it. We are like this. Thousands of words can't resist our own experience.


Once you really like a person, both sweet and bitter, helpless to themselves, unable to restrain their mood, will only like more and more.


Maybe one day, we will all make mistakes, we offer good, quarrel when told ourselves, the error is short, miss is always regret.


From then on, he was alone, and there was no spring breeze in ten li. From then on, he was full of wine and wine, and he kept silent and sincere. From then on, the breeze accompanied the wine and walked alone for a long time.


I'm sorry for myself. When I was sick, I always wanted to wait for others to comfort me, so I dragged on, until later I knew that no one would care, only physical injury.


During that period of time, I locked my heart door so that no one could see my helplessness. I knew that you would come back, so I could wait for you.


No matter how many arrows can't hurt me, as long as it's not the one you put out. Let you be crazy in the place without me, let me be strong in the world without you.


Baby, don't put so much self thinking in your head. In fact, love does not need to be too careful. At the moment, if he is yours, it will be enough. Fate, let it come, let it go.


In fact, every detour is the only way. To remember that you can never borrow other people's wings to fly into your own sky.


Every glittering person has survived one night after another, which is really worth our owning and praising.


Be a difficult person to get along with, give people who hate to shake face, open to like people to say love words, willing to live a few years less, just want to be happy.


May you always believe in love, have been treated with tenderness, find a person who is not "make do with" and have a marriage called "because of love".


So, dear passers-by, that's it. My pride and cowardice can only accompany you here. I like you, that's what I gave myself.


Most of the time, no matter how cold and painful you can carry it. Biting your teeth can not make you cry. On the contrary, it is a sudden warmth, which can force people out of tears.


I can feel your heartache, you have the helplessness that you can't say, but you make a pair of indifferent appearance, the more you are, the more I suffer.


I thought it would not change, but tears had dried up on my cheeks until I lost consciousness. My heart broke free of love and went into the sea with the setting sun.


You must have such a person in your life, he is not perfect, not good enough, but quietly walked into your heart at the most appropriate time.


Insomnia is rampant. It's better to haggard me to death, so that I won't miss you again. No matter how much I can't put it down, every relationship will be a vicissitude in the end.


Some people walk on the scattered, some people look at the light, how much no one can understand the unhappiness, how much can not do.


To bear the promise of the prime minister violates the oath of the king. Heart broken glass cup, the butterfly dance dance. Beautiful promise, gradually forget, forget, forget each other's past.


Breeze wipe away the most beautiful sadness, feeling a person's vicissitudes, goodbye love tears, no chance of parting, etc., just miss miss, just no chance of loss.


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