

句子魔| 爱国诗句

爱国格言英文版 0


Sacrifice the ego, the success of the big me.


One's life is a glorious death.


Unite to revitalize china!


To be patriotic, the motherland must be lovely.


Steaming Yunmeng Ze; a giant wave in Yueyang city.


In the night four or five sigh, often for big worry.


To die for the motherland, it is the most beautiful fate ah!


Love your country is a matter of course.


Chen Xin Shi a needle, not to the South would not take.


People who do not love their country, what will not love.


The tears of Hu Chenli, rembang Wang Shi year.


Lying alone in a lonely village without pity, still thinking in Luntai.


Gap clothing from Pakistan Wu Gorge, next to Xiangyang Luoyang.


The country is all patriotic, is everyone's duty.


I firmly believe that any difficulties will not fall to the hero of the Chinese people.


What is the highest moral of mankind? That is the heart of patriotism.


I like a cow, eat the grass, out of the milk, blood.


For all mankind's peace and progress, the Chinese people came to space.


Our motherland is more important than life, is our mother, our land.


I praise the present motherland, but also to three times to praise its future.


The criticism of his country's citizens is implicitly to make contributions to the country.


Hate the Anti Japanese death, leaving for today's shame. The country is still so broken, what I cherish this head.


Beheading does not matter, as long as the true doctrine. Kill Xia Minghan, and then people!


Heroes have no tears, do not sprinkle the enemy before. A man seven feet, is willing to donate the motherland.


The people not only have the right to be patriotic, but also to be patriotic is a duty, is a kind of glory.


I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and people with deep affection.


People can not live without bread, the people can not live without the country.


It is worth to have the spirit of the people, but he only has to carry on, and the Chinese have real progress.


We must maintain the party's discipline now, or everything will be in the mud.


Again, do not want to be slaves, our flesh and blood to build our new the Great Wall!


Only the soul of the people is worthy of value, but it is to carry forward, the Chinese people have real progress.


In general, in part, who does not belong to his own country, then he does not belong to the human race.


Each school, as far as possible all know, make the country prosperous and strong enough to stand on the earth.


We have no right to leave our country when our country is under slavery.


Can not imagine, a nation without a strong spiritual support, can be independent of the world's forests.


In general, in part, who does not belong to his own country, then he does not belong to the human race.


I have a greater respect for my own life, sacred and solemn, to love the interests of the country.


The motherland is my home, the party is my mother, for them, I am determined to give my all!


A person to help the weak, should become the strong, rather than and they become weak.


Gold is indeed valuable, but full of vitality and brave patriots are more valuable than gold.


The main feeling reported Quchi River flowers, grass smile life. Three hundred and sixty days a year, are immediately for warer.


East River Song stop U-turn, Suimi Group offers poor families. Wall chart for ten years before, to give also the hero.


I do not ask cordially, freely flowing style of writing a lone monk. No reason to laugh for no reason to cry, even if there is a.


We serve for the motherland, also cannot have the same way, everyone should according to let each person do his best.


True patriotism should not be shown in the beautiful words, but should be reflected in the welfare of the motherland action.


How great is the power of patriotism. In front of it, people love to read aloud, fear of bitter feeling, what of it?


Each party cadres should people stand with a common fate. In this way, our party has authority, and the country has a hope.


For the interests of the state and the people are not afraid of their own disadvantage, is a noble, moral, out of the low interest of the people.


I am yours, my country! Are you, my heart, this soul; if I do not love you, my motherland, I can love which one?


Every one of the great figures of the historical significance, is measured by the exploits of his country, his character is measured by his patriotic behavior.


We prove that China's dock workers are not worse than others, others can do, we are also capable, others can not do, we are still able to do so!


In many questions I have been quite different from the previous ones, but I owe my knowledge to them, and to those who first opened the way for them.


To the party and the people to be loyal to the state and the cause of love. As long as the cause of the party and people, what work you do, should be conscientious in what position.


Buryme in the mountains on the Xi, I hope the mainland; Mainland China can not see, only to cry. Bury me on the top of the mountain, look at my hometown, hometown is not visible, never forget.


Even if the world gives me treasure and honor, I will not leave my country. Because even if my country in shame, I still like, love, bless my motherland.


The people who belong to the people died for the sake of patriotism. They sacrificed themselves. But the people who sent them to die in order to live for their own sake. Results the benefit is longer than the ideal life.


A person to serve the people do not have to stand in the General Assembly speech or for what the great shaking heaven and earth, drops to think whenever and wherever possible, you know, to tell people, for the country is virtually sowing, cultivation.


Those who have no self-respect can still be patriotic, they can sacrifice a majority for the minority. They love the earth in their graves, but they have no sympathy for the kind of spirit that can make them physically alive. Patriotism is a maggot in their heads.



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表示爱国情怀的诗句 表示爱国情怀的诗句

1,民族耻辱不是下雪,为什么不成名。 -李白 2,赤心,忧国为家。 -韩愈 3,捐献给国家,仿佛死了。 -曹植 4,忠于国家。 -《宋史·岳飞传》 5,今晚片刻,万里故里

写出描写爱国情怀的诗句 写出描写爱国情怀的诗句

1,宁是百夫长,赢得了学者。 -杨澜《离军行》 2,既在皇帝的心上,也是最后一代的粉碎。 -谢灵运《齐立君》 3,山河千古,城不一时。 -文天祥《南安军》 4,看不到针女,空置国屋

有关于爱国情的诗句 有关于爱国情的诗句

1.逐渐成为旧国家,首先重返君主。 -张Chang《送南方回国》 2,胸口的誓言在海底深处,将令神舟居然沉没。 -郑思孝《二砺》 3,清江周边国country

爱国的诗句有哪些 爱国的诗句有哪些

1生于悲伤中,死于平安。 -孟子 2,世界在上升和下降,丈夫是负责任的。 -顾彦武 3,可怜李元年的忧愁,在肠内感热。 -杜甫 4,悠闲不是我的野心,愿意去乡下。 -曹植 5

描写爱国主义的词语 描写爱国主义的词语

1.担心国家和人民:担心国家的未来和人民的命运。 2,王室的心脏:是:你的;王室:是指法院...的目的是忠于法院。经过类比爱国主义。 3,金秀鹤山:形容祖国的宏伟山河。 4

感恩爱国的句子大全 感恩爱国的句子大全

爱国主义和其他道德情感,例如信仰,往往高尚。以下是小编为您准备的一系列感激和爱国的句子。 1。如果我能够生存,那我将在中国哭泣一天。 2.爱国主义是一种生动的集体责任感。 3

关于爱国的古诗大全 关于爱国的古诗大全

1,“邓金陵冶金西北谢安墩” 唐李白 靳金思捣烂,永嘉遂南奔。 尘土飞扬,龙虎搏斗。 胡玛·冯·汉草,天骄中原。 哲学家感到幸运,云鹏飞了过来。 该小组练习了楚国,其国旗与海门市相连

表达爱国之心的诗句 表达爱国之心的诗句

1,小来斯到乡下报到,不爱封侯。 -苍沉 2,穷岁月,李渊,在肠内感热。 -杜甫 3,黄Huang之家,朱君耳。 -岳飞 4,夜视太白了,无法接受光线,这个国家想死而没有战场

爱国的格言与古诗词 爱国的格言与古诗词

爱国主义格言 1.谁不属于自己的国家,他不属于人类。 - 海涅 2,古人有九分爱国的心,没有后悔死了。如今,有些爱国情怀一直在持续。 -匿名者 3,生活中有几段艰辛,不打架的时候就等

爱国格言和诗句 爱国格言和诗句

爱国格言 1,不因担心国家而饿。 -陆游 2,我赞美当前的祖国,也三度赞美其未来。 -玛雅科夫斯基 3,爱国主义是文明人民的主要美德。 -拿破仑 4,在许多问题上,我的发言与前任大相径庭