



Under the bright moonlight, there are several ups and downs of hills, some like a few sharp swords directly into the sky. In the mountains, cuckoo calls, crisp, pleasant and beautiful.


The best thing is the spring of a year. Several drizzling spring rains, green mountains, green water, under the hill that gurgling flow of a stream, more rapid and beautiful.


There are several sycamore trees on campus, which have become dark red. When the autumn wind blows, leaves fall like butterflies, flying happily in the sky, and changing their dancing postures from time to time.


Although autumn has been a long time, but this summer hot day soaked in the odor of sweat all day taste, that touch, the feeling of a hot hand is etched in my heart, it seems that the aftermath of summer is still lingering.


I have never been to the grasslands. But the grassland is what I like, as I like the desert and the mountains. This kind of love comes from the heart and the depth of life.


The night was dark and the moon was in the sky, but she didn't know where to hide, because Miss Diana sometimes slipped to the other side of the earth and made the mountains dark and the fields dark.


Just before 4 p.m., the sun had put away its faint light, as if afraid of the cold, and hid in the clouds as thick as cotton-padded quilts.


I don't know when, that bright moon has hung high in the deep sky, it emits a silver light, straight into my eyes, it pours on the earth, the earth shines like day.


There are several rows of strong trees beside the grassland. On the long branches, birds are singing beautiful songs happily. They know that they are crying desperately in the leaves. Everywhere is full of vitality.


The sunshine shines on the thin wave lake, like a layer of shining silver on the surface of the water, and like crumpled green satin.


It's hot in summer. The sun sprinkles the heat to the earth heartily; the wind is too lazy to blow; if it rains, the children will run in the light rain and take a pleasant cold bath.


The sunshine piercing the clouds is like a golden thread, crisscrossing, sewing the light grey, blue and grey clouds into a beautiful pattern.


In winter, although there are no charming flowers and birds in spring, no spectacular lightning and thunder in summer, and no attractive fruits in autumn, it also has implicit beauty for nature.


The sky was clear, and the brilliant sunshine was shining through the cracks of the dense pine needles, forming a bunch of thick and thin pillars of light, which illuminated the shade of the trees with the mist of light yarn.


In the sound of magpies, willows blossom along the river bank, rapeseed blossoms in the fields are brilliant, while the bamboo forest is quiet, the cauliflower is yellow, and the sky and the earth suddenly brighten up.


The earth has fallen asleep. Apart from the gentle breeze, the occasional barking of a dog or two, the deserted streets are silent.


The night opens its huge black wings, and countless stars appear brighter and more witty in the light of the night.


The mountains surround the distance, covered with fog, and misty. It is not clear that the beautiful mountains in May are lush and beautiful.


Outside the window, Chengdu's rare sunshine in winter is shining. Like the day in my memory, I woke up this Sunday morning in silence and heard the song sung softly by the man next door.


In winter, a thin layer of snow, like a huge soft wool blanket, covers the vast desert, shining with cold silver.


Autumn is really a beautiful picture of heaven. The sun is setting down, the wind is sowing in autumn, the sound of the flute is flying, and the flowers are flying. The lake is blue, the beach is quiet, the fruit is fragrant, and the moon is high.


Grandpa winter sent the cold of the earth away, and the spring girl came to the world with her light footsteps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a lifelike picture.


The sun slowly penetrated the clouds, revealing its already red face, like a shy little girl looking at the earth.


When the sun sank. When the silvery grey dew is covering the grassland, you will see countless red flames, which are the herdsmen burning bronze pots to prepare dinner.


The mountains in the distance are rolling, high and low, and scattered in different places. How can we not let people admire the ingenious workmanship of nature? The pine trees on the side of the hill are straight.


In the southern part of August, the sun was scorching. At noon, the sun curled up the leaves. The cicadas kept talking loudly and constantly, adding a layer of irritation to the sultry weather.


May breeze, floating along the roadside Sophora fragrance, gently blowing passersby's cheeks and hair temples, blowing people's minds, gentle comfort, like the hands of mothers.


Winter is coming. It's a dry, dreadful and dark winter that is common in the mountainous areas of this area. The leaves of the big trees in the school yard fall, and the mud is harder than stone. It's a sad sight.


On the side of the road, white snow covered the pavement with white blankets, leaving a string of footprints on the quilt. Snow covered the trees with white capes, making them more powerful.


In the orchard, the fruits on the trees are crowded with branches. The apples are like children's faces. They are so red that they keep nodding and smiling in the golden autumn sunshine.


Spring sunshine is particularly bright, Spring girl opened a smiling face, the sun, red light shining over, that gentle touch you, like the hands of a young mother.


The wheat seedlings in the fields are like a sea, the villages scattered with stars are unsinkable boats, crisscrossing meandering rivers, the willows on the riverside spit out tender buds, and the reeds are green when they are drilled out.


After the spring rain, the sun came out and it was clear. The whole world is as fresh as it has just been washed. The air isvery fresh. Take a breath. It's as sweet as honey.


The sun in the middle of winter seemed to be afraid of cold. When wearing very thick and thick clothes, the heat would not emit.


The water in Heilongtan is so quiet, quiet as a mirror; the water in Heilongtan is so green, as if it were a flawless emerald.


Look, in the woods, those red maple trees, like burning, in the sky a row of geese are flying to the warm south, the sound of geese is their farewell voice.


When the spring girl was still walking along the river in her hometown and enjoying the beautiful scenery, Xia brother jumped into the river to drink water, which made the spring girl angry, pulled up her dress and drifted away.


Gradually, the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, the sun also smiled, and the earth brightened again. Open the window, the fresh air comes face to face, a cool face.


Autumn may be hidden in golden rice ears, persimmons, rapeseed fields.


As soon as I saw it in the morning, it was obvious that it was wet on the ground. No sooner had I walked a few steps than it began to rain, raining like a needle and beating an umbrella like a symphony of music.



很有水平的话 很有水平的话

1.学会耐心并学会融合。不要忘记为了当下的后果。黄金永远闪耀着,黄沙无法掩盖珍珠的光彩。 2.永远不要以为我们可以逃脱。我们决定的每一步都决定了最终的结果。我们的脚走向了我们选择的目标

同事之间感恩的句子 同事之间感恩的句子

1,我心里经常思考,幸福周围真的很好,心里常常期待,不要骚扰很多美女,心里常有梦想,财富越来越好,好朋友,祝你好事业成功,吉星高赵! 2] 2,大海像山一样宽阔的生活,总是默默地选择自己的主人

关于行善感恩的句子 关于行善感恩的句子

1,我不认识这位老太太,我只知道婆婆的故事 - 日本谚语 2,卑鄙的小人总是忘恩负义:忘恩负义本来就是一部分卑鄙的 - 雨果 3.忘恩负义的人陷入困境,无法得救 - 希腊谚语 4

感恩你的出现爱情句子 感恩你的出现爱情句子

以下是我们感恩生活的另一半中的一系列美丽句子。我希望每个人都喜欢它! 1.世界上的所有遭遇都有因果关系。佛教:过去数千次回归。换来这辈子的相识。知道对方。因此,当边缘耗尽时,我们不能把它放在空中

关于感恩家乡的句子大全 关于感恩家乡的句子大全

1,野外小道埋葬香,风和月亮。平江不需要唱歌,明月应该是故乡,岁月如水的故事,在每一片红尘渡口,滋养着感情,充满生机,风暴难以摧毁。 2,我刚过去,但没有停止。天空中漂流的家乡云正在呼唤

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1.红苹果青苹果,我不想死一天,你是我前世的一盏灯,照亮了我的下半生。 2.如果你不能留住你,我会选择非常爱你;如果你不能陪伴你,我会选择更加珍惜你;如果你不能多爱你,我会选择更加宠爱你

关于爱情甜蜜句子 关于爱情甜蜜句子

1.只要你愿意,我总能在你身边。 2.我们的爱情就像间歇地唱出一半的歌。 3,不是因为害怕妻子,而是因为他的妻子。 4.只要你给我幸福,我不想长久。 5

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离别不舍又必须走的诗 离别不舍又必须走的诗

感情有时只是一个人的问题,与任何人,爱情或爱情无关,只能靠自己打破。以下是小编为大家写的一首诗,必须去。我希望每个人都喜欢它。 1.最后,我无法逃避路人在你生活中的角色。 2

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由于这只鸟的蔑视,无尽的夜晚,铁板的夜晚开始破碎。从破碎的夜晚的裂缝中出现了属于白蝎的各种声音。以下是小编晚上河边风景的句子。我希望每个人都喜欢它。 1,每天,站在黎明前,期待着夜晚的到来