

句子魔| 描写类句子



There is a pair of her childish, long eyelashes decorated with beautiful eyes on her face, like two crystal grape.


Her ears Bailitouhong, helix clear, outer and inside are well proportioned, like a carved art.


The shuttlecock seems to have a spring rope tied to Allison feet like, kept jumping up and down on her feet.


In Tibet you will find the music described in the mighty Changfeng mountain clothes, the shimmering waves Xuefeng inlaid in the depths of the heart, the sunny color engraved in the water body.


A group of children in the snow, making a snowman, snowball, the cries of joy, the noise, the branches on the snow falling down.


The campus of laughter, the students play in chasing each other, and some in the climbing pole, some in the long jump, and playing badminton, only female students in knots to jump rubber band, and lightly humming songs.


She danced to a rubber band, like crazy. I saw her jump more quickly, more and more high jump, and kick back, all kinds of cheating, like a bouncing monkey, dazzle you.


There are several times in flower drum pass, she received a handkerchief, like get fire like, rush to the hands of others upload.


Into Tibet, you walked into the snow capped mountains into the plateau into the natural, into the Tibet you, toward the sun to the ideal into a paradise.


Today is a very ordinary boy, medium height, slim, big eyes, big mouth, thick eyebrows, shaving a flat, somewhat masculine.


Her eyes are not too small, very high nose and a little mouth incommunicative, curved eyebrows, long hair, she looks so quiet, so lovely!


The children burst into laughter, with two rows of white teeth like broken jade.


A white ball children are an arc, cross connected, like a flash ball.


My sister is 3 years old. She has two beautiful big eyes and a small mouth. She is a lovely baby.


He does not pay attention while Mary, secretly put her stool out of it, and then wait and see lively gloatingly.


Luo Ruofeng is very fat, round head, round face, round eyes, round nose, even limbs are round and fleshy. He is cheerful, lively, especiallylike to laugh, all things are full of curiosity.


Well head under a pair of big eyes sparkled, red face, like a rare peach.


Shuttlecock female students hands a small shuttlecock, dancing up and down, like a little swallow in the feet fly and fly back.


The shuttlecock playfully to the right to fly, there is a way, at a crucial moment in this moment, silk silk smartly to the right leg bent over a shuttlecock, like magnet like, and ask her to control.


She shows her teeth in an orderly arrangement, like a pearl.


You laugh like the most touching, two thin lips smiling, laughing eyes and long, two on the cheek in is also very act of laughing dimple.


Her black and black hair like willows like gentle.


His hands holding a balloon, a bulging cheek, like buckle up half a ball, a deflated, like falling down the pit, eyes and round, like splitting.


His black red face, revealing a row of white teeth like.


Michelle looks just like her name, with a round face, high nose rosy lips and pretty white teeth, and a head of black curly hair, very pretty.


A group of Dai girls who came, their body is so slim, walking is so light and elegant, like a beautiful fairy drop from the clouds.


Her round face, a small nose on the shelves with a pair of primary school like glasses, lenses after the big eyes flashing with a spark of wisdom.


In this age of the baby isvery motivated, they are willing to imitate and show, see the audience amused will be very excited.


A little girl is lively and lovely, pale face, arched eyebrows and a pair of bright eyes.


The drummer unrestrained intense passion, fully express in a merry drum.


Yingying a bend, a leg, a shuttlecock like magnet, firmly on her feet.


Baby has been five months, I heard her mother's voice will be open eyes, and a sweet smile.


Her face the red toot shining, like a ripe apple in September.


Branches of the birds twittering song, also seems to come to our party.


Chubby little face, eyes half a meter, sometimes silly smile, sometimes sucking his little finger.


A small pump while using the brush Niang chin want, then pursed her lips paintings, like a little painter into the creation of artistic conception.


A little numb, frozen red, but nobody called cold, just smile to each other, and then rubbed his hands, oh hot, shouting and laughing, in full swing to play their games.


The trees are coming out, a child's head came in, it was a boy, thin black face, covered with dust, hair is about two inches long, unkempt, like a magpie nest.


It was a ten year old child has long skinny and scrawny, meiqingmuxiu. Especially those who grow than the ordinary people are big eyes, flashing a bright light. He pulled clogs, a green military uniform worn down to the knees.


A lively child smile, like spring beautiful flowers in the open.


There are two rural children in our yard. A sister, comb a plait, wearing a flower gown. One is the younger brother, leaving hair on the forehead, like a teapot covered buckle.


The boy on the face like black tiger head, a bell general big eyes, very spirit.


The shuttlecock huzuohuyou and dived in Shanshan behind the front jumping, Shanshan sometimes turn here, and turn over there, next to the shuttlecock, eyes always turning flexibly with the shuttlecock.


Unlock the small cotton quilt to him on the toilet, he will move a non-stop, feet for a while to kick forward, for a while the next tic, hand a stretched, moving a non-stop. If doing the broadcast gymnastics,and seemed to get restless. Really interesting!


Wow, a bunch of grapes hanging in the dense crystal DiCui fence, I finally came to the famous Xinjiang Grape Valley, the Grape Valley is located in Xinjiang northeast of Turpan valley.


Jianhua students build evenly, not fat not thin, black hair braids two slender, ruddy face, round eyes and two deep dimples on the cheek, it is lively and cute.


Yan Yan put shuttlecock gently and threw it into the air and fell off the ground, the shuttlecock more than half a meter high, she raised her feet up.


In Tibet you will find the vast heaven and earth and heaven, and bare soil.


His black red face a row of white teeth like.



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