

句子魔| 搞笑句子



A happy time and a sincere blessing。 I wish you: the pandas! Sweet! The smooth!


15 the moon is round and round, thanks for your family later in life! Home luck guy, happy reunion!


In the season of light such as day, we meet after dusk, tonight I want you to be the most happy people。


Year after year, year reunion, tenant tenant! Yuanxiao yuan snack, night, night after night yuan snack!


15 the moon is round and round, the whole family happy New Year to you! Home luck brick, the perfect happiness together!


Spending a good reunion, year after year after year。 You don't come I don't the zha reunion, or you came to me also。


Things you yuan yuan, I am yuan yuan, yuan yuan, yuan yuan, may the Lantern Festival, everybody can dream yuan yuan!


Give you a gentle blessing to each minute bring you health, luck and happiness。 I hope you have a nice day!


Happy New Year! Elixir of love people happy, eat dumplings, sweet tightly, reunion。 May you be the happiest person!


And enjoy the view of the lamp, I wait for you! Lanterns, the month, I miss you! The month circle, dumplings, round edge dream!


Give you a gentle blessing to each minute bring you health, luck and happiness。 I hope you through the kua good day!


Yuanxiao edge flaring less round night, three to five round night hard to stomach。 Never greedy available tonight, I wish you a happy night!


Kyushu, with thousands ofnew, Lantern Festival, mu tai ping, don't forget oneself, know your heart, blessing you, forever happy!


Beautiful night lights, fish dragon acrobatics; Coloured glaze prosperous, splendid miharu。 Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!


Love your soft, love you, love your sticky, love your round head, ha ha, because you are the dumplings, I wish you happiness!


New Year's eve was not met, snack didn't meet early morning, after the first false company。 Meet together temporarily no, miss dream is infinite。


Made of glutinous rice, caress knead into a truly, wrapped in a happy and sweet, sticky pulp is my heart, I hope it leaves your festival mixed mood!


Yuanxiao is round moon circle, make a wish round and round。 Old friends far away hand, the SMS bless you, you'll be happy and healthy forever!


Haven't hear your voice, no one to hear me talk for a long time, at the full moon, the Lantern Festival miss you so much, zhu jiankang is happy!


Love your soft, love you, love your sticky, love your round head, ha ha, because you are the dumplings, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!


Which holiday is little not him; Since he, we sample the blessing of the flower。 What is he? Is looking at you of message ah, ha ha, happy yuanxiao。


You are filling my face as a big yuanxiao。 You are my lamp is paper, better to do a big lantern; Love you, I would like to celebrate the holidays! Gladly make lanterns!


The mooncircle, eat dumplings; A dream round, people happy, good luck with your everything, I wish people for a long time, long life, I wish a happy Lantern Festival!


I to blossom in the splendid moonlight, boundless blessings limitless boundaries across the distant sky, I wish a full moon, tangyuan, love, dream! Happy Lantern Festival!


Moon, yuanxiao, set off with your laughter, the fifteenth day of the echoed with your tunes, the New Year filled with your lively, long love with you the beauty of my heart at this time。


Come in the day of the first is the New Year, 15 lanterns make heaven and earth, dumplings taste delicious, wish you happy holidays, good luck and you never points, wishing you happy forever!


Three night in flames, the month on yuanxiao reunion after dusk, night lights with you future cotton embroidery, everything love revenue may want to do a full moon! Happy tonight!


I hope you know, someone always care of you and caring you all the time。 An yuan snack of lights, it is your smiling love eyes, it compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart。


Wine, the longer the more alcohol, friends cross the longer true; Water flow more and more clear, the vicissitudes of life more flow more light thing in the world。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival, always a good mood!


Last year, rice glue ball, flower market light as day; About dusk after month LiuShao head, man; Lantern Festival this year, the month with the lights still; See people last year, tears wet spring shirt sleeve。


Yuanxiao, annoyance,come to report for duty, the happy moments around, xiangyun patches of flying, auspicious head-on smile every day, always quietly, blessing comes wishing you happiness always happy happy!


Monkey the first full moon, the sea blue MingCan again, would the lamp with fresh flowers, beautiful night reflect your joys yan。 I am captivated by your smiling face, as if see the goddess of the moon reappear。


Tips: on the Lantern Festival dumplings to eat less, protect the stomach; Fireworks to put less, protect the environment; Enjoy the moon to wear warm, prevent colds。 View lamp don't too late, to guarantee the sleep。


You white round timid appearance, affectionate heart sweet as honey, skin beautiful beautiful body very red, green, tender sweet candy to my obsession, fifteen lamp night kiss you eatyou! I wish my dear you happy Lantern Festival!



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